Coursework: Summer Project 2024

Innocent Drinks

1) What is the unique selling point of the product?  

The unique selling point of Innocent Drinks is their commitment to using 100% natural fruit in their products, particularly in their fruit smoothies. This emphasis on fresh and natural ingredients sets them apart from other beverage companies and aligns with the current trend towards healthier eating and lifestyle choices. 

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.


Age: Innocent Drinks typically appeals to a younger demographic, including millennials and Generation Z consumers. These age groups are often more health-conscious and interested in sustainable products, which aligns well with Innocent’s brand ethos.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene.

The camerawork in the advert is skillfully executed, with a focus on capturing vibrant and engaging visuals that highlight the freshness and natural qualities of Innocent Drinks products. The use of dynamic camera angles and movements adds a sense of energy and excitement to the advertisement, drawing viewers in and creating a visually appealing experience.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.



People Representations: The advert may feature individuals or groups of people enjoying Innocent Drinks products. These individuals could represent a diverse range of demographics, such as different ages, ethnicities, and lifestyles. 


1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

The unique selling point of Lucozade is that it boosts performance and provides energy in a convenient way. Unlike traditional energy drinks that rely heavily on caffeine, Lucozade stands out by offering a healthier boost through essential vitamins and glucose.

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.


Age: Lucozade’s primary target audience is typically younger individuals, ranging from teenagers to young adults. This demographic is often more active and energetic, making them more likely to consume energy drinks like Lucozade.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene.

The camerawork in the Lucozade advert is particularly impressive. The use of dynamic camera angles and movements effectively captures the energy and vitality associated with the brand. Close-up shots of the product being consumed convey a sense of refreshment and rejuvenation, enticing viewers to experience the same feeling. 

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.

Lifestyle: The advert may also depict a particular lifestyle associated with consuming Lucozade. This could include scenes of individuals leading active and vibrant lives, possibly showing them overcoming challenges or achieving their goals with the help of the product.

Boost Drink

1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

The unique selling point of Boost Drinks is its ability to be consumed at any time, in any situation, and in multiple servings. It is designed to improve alertness during times of fatigue and enhance energy levels whether you are in the car, at work, on the move, or on a night out. Boost Drinks offer a refreshing soft drink option that can also serve as an excellent mixer. 

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.

Demographics: Boost Drinks primarily target young adults and working professionals between the ages of 18 to 35. This age group is often seeking energy-boosting beverages to help them stay alert and focused throughout their busy days. Additionally, Boost Drinks may also appeal to students who need an extra boost of energy during study sessions or exams.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene.

The advert for Boost Drinks showcases a high level of technical construction in various aspects. One notable feature is the camerawork employed in the advertisement. The use of dynamic camera angles and movements effectively captures the attention of the audience and creates a visually engaging experience.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.


Brand Representation: The Boost Drinks advert will also include representations of the brand itself. This may involve showcasing the logo prominently, highlighting key brand messages or values, and creating a visual identity that is consistent with Boost’s overall branding strategy.

Vitamin water


1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 


-Provides all vitamins in one water bottle

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.


-  it aimed at people who want to get their vitamins up so they can live a long life. it can also be used a drink for when you go to the job 

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert conventions such as voiceover for example. 


- i noticed the act of the advert, the actors made it seem they enjoyed the vitamin water and it gave them something to feel haapy about and not to worry.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.


-  people - they are showing it is fun and enjoyable to drink the water and give their benefits

1) What brand of health drink are you going to use? You can use an existing drink.

- a fruit drink

2) New slogan for the health drink (MUST be original - cannot be existing slogan): 

-taste great, feel great Amazing drinking 

3) Main character(s) that will appear in your adverts: 

- voiceover

4) Narrative: What will happen in your first advert? 

fruits will go in the blender and blend together

5) Narrative: What will happen in your second advert?  people review the drink

6) Where will you film your adverts? You need a different location for each advert. in the park

7) Who will be in your adverts?  voiceover and random people

8) What music will you use for your adverts? What voiceover will you use and who will you use to record the voiceover? Note: for music you can use existing music tracks.

warm happy music. a man who is willing to do the voiceover

9) How will your adverts appeal to your 15-30 year old target audience? 

- fun colours

10) What TV channel and programme would your advert appear during and why? Remember the brief states a mainstream TV channel or streaming service. 

- I would want to appear on social media apps such as TikTok or YouTube because  they are the most globally known apps which contains loads of viewers from around the world meaning if you have you adverts on social media, then it is a good possible chance that you could be gaining more sales


-  I will be preparing two effective video ads, telling  our smoothie as the healthiest and tastiest drink on the market, underlining its nutritional values and the positive social impact of this drink. The purpose of the videos is to show  to our target audience in such a way that they feel encouraged not only to opt for this brand because of the best taste and health value but also to contribute towards a brand that really makes a difference in the world.

The first video will be about health benefits for our smoothie. This ad will show the natural ingredients, featuring colourful fruits and vegetables such  apple bananas mangos  and tropical etc , putting them in the mixer for a healthy drink for the world . I'll tell  the benefits of each main ingredient, like , vitamins, and minerals that help make a healthier life. The pictures are supposed to be bright and vibrant, appealing to health-conscious consumers looking for a healthy product yet tastes good. Reviews by nutrition experts and happy customers will reinforce our message-that this smoothie is the best choice for their health. This will show the audience how wonderful and healthy the drink is.

The second video will consider ethics and how our brand affects society. It will explain how we give 15% of our profit to help the community in   India to help the people who we dont even know . I want to include videos of the projects we support, which show real people whose lives have gotten better thanks to our donations of our customers who buy the drink. Such a video will help viewers connect, showing that buying our smoothie is not just good for personal health and other people as well . The story will be emotive, trying to incite viewers into encouraging us to create some change. The ad will end with the brand and the slogan


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