
Showing posts from October, 2024

Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response

 1) Type up your teacher's feedback  in full . If you've received your feedback via email, you can simply cut and paste it from the email into your blog. WWW: Some planning posted to blog which is positive. However, I can’t see a finished preliminary exercise in order to give you feedback on your production skills. EBI: You need to meet deadlines when it comes to Media coursework. Post your completed preliminary exercise to your blog for feedback. 2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write  two  WWW bullet points (What Went Well) and  two  EBI bullet points (Even Better If) for your preliminary exercise.  3)  What have you  learned  from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project? List  three  things you have learned or will do differently as a result of this exercise. You may want to comment on organisation, actors, filming, editing or something else entirely but be  specifi

Print advert pre-production: blog tasks

  1) What brand of health drink are you going to use? You can use an existing drink. Innocent Smoothie  2) New slogan for the health drink (MUST be original - cannot be existing slogan):  Innocent Smoothie the drink of your life  3) Main character(s) that will appear in your adverts:  Ayan  4) Main image 1: What will your first advert look like?  Close up shot 5) Main image 2: What will your second advert look like?  Zoomed out shot 6) Main image 3: What will your third advert look like? Remember, they all need to be different images but part of the same campaign for the same health drink. the character drinking the drink  7) What will you use for the secondary image in each advert? This may be a product shot or similar. Remember, this needs to be three  different  images just like the main images.  i will put the drink on the table and get zoomed in shots of the drink pouring  8) Who will be in your adverts? Ayan  9) Write the 70 words that will appear on each advert - this may be inf

Paper 1 assessment learner response Year 11

  1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW- You start well on the terminology questions and have attempted answers for every question which is a good sign  EBI - Revision : you dont know the CSP , well enough and the only way to change this is with revision - You alse need to revision terminology ( e.g industries ) and the theory ( e.g narrative )  2) Look at the  mark scheme for this assessment . For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify  three  points that you could have referred to in your answer. • Typography • Non-verbal codes • Verbal codes 3) For Question 3 (Galaxy - narrative features) use the mark scheme to write down the main  narrative theories  and how we can link them to the Galaxy advert CSP.  • The clear function of the narrative: to persuade people of the superior quality and sophistication of the Galaxy product. • The structure of the narrative: it follows a linear